Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Museum of Gottfried Silbermann

Museum of the organ builder Gottfried Silbermann in Frauenstein Castle

Since 1983, the museum has been dedicated to the life and work of the most important Saxon organ builder Gottfried Silbermann, whose organs can still be heard in many churches in Central Germany. The museum preserves and displays documents, files, facsimiles, letters, text representations as well as pictures, engravings and drawings relating to Silbermann's life and work.

In addition, the unique functional model of a mechanical slider chest organ illustrates the complicated inner life of an organ to the visitor.
With the original copy of a Silbermann organ (Wegscheider 1994 - original Silbermann for Etzdorf 1732/33), the Gottfried Silbermann Museum has a sounding instrument which is used for concerts all year round.

In 2011, the museum was expanded to include the Alsatian part of the Silbermann family. The exhibition shows exhibits on the career and work of the organ building family and gives an overview of the organs which were built by the craftsmanship of Andreas and his son Johann Andreas Silbermann.

The museum also includes the ruins of Frauenstein Castle, which can be visited during the summer months.



Am Schloß 3
09623 Frauenstein


Tel: +49 37326 1224



Opening hours

Monday: closed
Tuesday to Sunday: 10-16 hrs.
and after arrangement


May-October (incl. castle ruin)

adults: 3,50 €.
reduced: 2,50 €
children: 1,50 €
families: 10,00 €

November-April (castle ruin closed)

adults: 2,50 €.
reduced: 2,00 €
children: 1,00 €
families: 7,00 €

Group prices for 10 or more persons



Guided tours

Organ recital

ramps for wheelchair users (partially)



The bus stop "Markt, Frauenstein" directions_railway directions_bus is located 250 m away at the market.

Parking spaces are also available there.

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