Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Carillon made of Meissen porcelain in Bärenfels

Extraordinary carillon made of Meissen porcelain in the spa gardens of the spa town of Bärenfels

In 1947, in gratitude for the support of the Meissen Porcelain Manufactory in the reconstruction of its recreation home "Misnia", the municipality of Bärenfels received the Meissen porcelain bells and in return undertook to build a bell tower with carillon. Due to the post-war situation, however, this was only done a few years later. Technically, the bell tower was equipped with an electrically pneumatic playing apparatus with a manual keyboard. For the construction of the carillon the "Commission for Carillon" was founded.  On September 18, 1955 the carillon was solemnly consecrated.

Today, well-known local melodies sound on the full hour every day.


Am Kurpark
01773 Altenberg


The carillon sounds with different melodies on the full hour.

21.06. - 22.09.: 9.00 - 18.00

23.09. until the last Sat. in October: 9.00 - 17.00

from 1st Advent to 06.01.: 9.00 - 16.00

from 07.01. - 20.03.: 10.00 - 16.00


The bus stop "Felsenburg, Bärenfels" directions_railway directions_bus is 100 m away from the spa gardens.

Parking spaces are available at the eastern side of the spa gardens.

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